With every delivery of food, beverage, or other supplies there is a real and distinct possibility of German Roaches being brought into your business!

Basic Biology

  • Have been on earth for over 300 million years.
  • Commonly found indoors in restaurants, bars, grocery stores, homes, apartments, etc.
  • Adults are ½–5/8 inches long, tan to light brown, and have 2 dark parallel lines from the back of the head to the wings.
  • Have developed wings but do not fly.
  • Have 3 development stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
  • Female carries purse shaped egg capsule containing up to 48 eggs and can produce 4 to 8 capsules in her lifetime—1 every 6 weeks.
  • Can become an adult within 8 weeks and have a life span of 20–30 weeks.
  • 1 female can be responsible for over 10,000 offspring in one year.
  • Mostly active at night but send over 75% of their life in a crack or crevice harborage.
  • Prefers to live in an environment close to food, water, shelter, and warmth.
  • Over 75% of an infestation consists of pre-adults.
  • Can trans-locate from neighboring and adjoining buildings.

German Roaches Transmit Disease

  • German Roaches transfer disease and a variety of pathogenic organisms such as: parasitic protozoans, food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and other illnesses.
  • German roach excrement and cast skins dramatically contribute to allergies and asthma.

Brought in by:

  • Food, beverage, and all other commercial deliveries
  • Paper packaging and cardboard boxes
  • Grocery bags
  • Used appliances and electronics
  • Personal items such as: clothing, back packs, purses, radios, etc.

The presence of German Roaches is not only dangerous and unsanitary. It will seriously damage your reputation and brand!